Biography of B.J Habibie
Many people are looking for a short story, profile or biography of B.J Habibie. He is one of the role models and a pride for many people in Indonesia, in addition to being known as the most intelligent people in Indonesia, he is also known as the third president of the Republic of Indonesia. His full name is Prof. DR (HC). Ing. Dr. Sc. Mult. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie. He was born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936. He is the fourth of eight children, Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo.
Habibie who married Hasri Ainun Habibie on May 12, 1962 is blessed with two sons namely Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal. Habibie's childhood was spent with his brothers in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. The strict nature of adhering to principles has been shown by Habibie since childhood. Habibie who has a hobby of riding and reading is known to be very intelligent while still in primary school, but he must lose his father who died on September 3, 1950 because of a heart attack while he was praying Isya.Shortly after his father died, his mother then sold his house and vehicle and moved to Bandung with Habibie, after his father's death, his mother worked hard to finance the lives of his children, especially Habibie. Because of his willingness to learn Habibie then studied at Gouvernments Middlebare School. In high school, he began to look prominent in his achievements, especially in exact subjects. Habibie became a favorite figure in his school.
Enter ITB and Lecture in Germany
Because of his intelligence, After graduating high school in Bandung in 1954, he entered at the ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung), It was not until it ends there because he received a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Culture to continue his studies in Germany, because given the message Bung Karno about the importance of mastering technology The national vision of Maritime Technology and Aerospace Technology in Indonesia at that time is still developing. At that time the Indonesian government under Soekarno vigorously financed hundreds of Indonesian smart students to study abroad to study there. Habibie is the second group among hundreds of high school students who are specifically sent to various countries. Habibie then chose the Aviation Engineering department with an Aircraft Construction specialization at Rhein Westfalen Aachen Technische Hochschule (RWTH).
The education that Habibie has attended abroad is not a crash course but a school for many years while practicing. From the beginning Habibie was only interested in 'how to build commercial aircraft' for the Indonesian people who became Soekarno's idea at that time. From there emerged strategic companies, there is PT PAL and one of them is IPTN.
When he arrived in Germany, Habibie was determined to be seriously observed and must succeed, given his mother's efforts to pay for college and his daily life. A few years later, in 1955 at Aachean, 99% of Indonesian students studying there were awarded full scholarships. Only he has a green or private passport from his other friends. Holiday season is not a holiday for him just a golden opportunity to be filled with exams and make money to buy books. After the holiday, all activities are set aside except for study. Unlike his other friends, they are; More use summer vacation time to work, looking for experience and money without taking exams. He earned an Ing graduate degree from Technische Hochschule, Germany in 1960 with a Cumlaude (Sempurna) grade with an average grade of 9.5. With an engineer he signed up to work at Firma Talbot, a German railway industry.
At that time Talbot Firm needed a large-volume wagon to transport lightweight but large volumes.
Talbot requires 1000 wagons. Given such a problem, Habibie tried to apply the means of constructing the wings of the airplane he applied to the wagon and finally succeeded.
Afterwards he continued his studies for a Doctorate at the Technische Hochschule Die Facultaet Fuer Maschinenwesen Aachen then Habibie married in 1962 with Hasri Ainun Habibie who was later transported to Germany, his life became harder, early in the morning Habibie sometimes had to walk quickly to the place work away to save the necessities of life then go home at night and learn to college. His wife Mrs Hasri Ainun Habibie had to queue at a laundering site to wash clothes to save the family's life needs. In 1965 Habibie earned a Dr. Ingenieur with summa cumlaude (Very perfect) with an average rating of 10 from Technische Hochschule Die Facultaet Fuer Maschinenwesen Aachen.
Habibie Factor Formula
The formula found by Habibie is named "Factor Habibie" because it can calculate crack propagation or rack propagation on random to the atoms of an aircraft so he was dubbed as "Mr. Crack". In 1967, became Professor of honor (Professor) at the Bandung Institute of Technology. From the same place in 1965. This genius and achievement led Habibie to be recognized by international institutions, among them, Gesselschaft fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (Institute of Aeronautical Space and Space) of Germany, The Royal Aeronautical Society of London (England), The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Sweden), The Academie Nationale de l'Air et de l'Espace (France) and The US Academy of Engineering (United States). Meanwhile, Habibie's awards include Edward Warner Award and von Karman Award which is almost equivalent to the Nobel Prize. In the country, Habibie received the highest award from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Ganesha Praja Manggala Bhakti Kencana.
Habibie's steps are much admired, full of controversy, many admirers but not a few who disagree with him. Each time, the prestigious award winner Theodore van Karman Award, it's back from his "habitat" of Germany, he always made the news.
Habibie is only a year of study at ITB Bandung, 10 years of college until he got a doctorate degree in aircraft construction in Germany with Summa Cum laude title.
Then worked in the leading aircraft industry MBB Gmbh Germany, before meeting President Soeharto's call to return to Indonesia.
B.J Habibie Returns to Indonesia and Creates First Artificial Aircraft Indonesia
In Indonesia, Habibie 20 years as State Minister of Research and Technology / Head of BPPT, lead 10 state-owned enterprises Strategic Industries. In 1995, Habibie successfully led the manufacture of N250 Gatot Kaca aircraft which is the first Indonesian-made aircraft. Habibie's N250 aircraft at that time was not an airplane made at random. Designed in such a way by Habibie, the N250 aircraft of his creation has flown without experiencing the 'Dutch Roll' (excessive flight term for airplane), the aircraft technology is very sophisticated and Habibie prepared for the next 30 years.
Habibie took 5 years to complete the initial design. N250 Gatot Kaca aircraft is the only turboprop aircraft in the world that uses technology 'Fly by Wire'. N250 Gatot Kaca aircraft has flown 900 hours according to Habibie and one more step into the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) certification program. PT IPTN even built a special factory N250 aircraft in America and Europe for the markets of those countries, although at that time many who underestimate the plane made in Indonesia, including some in the country.
When IPTN under Habibie's command has begun to win and employs 16,000 people, Suddenly President Soeharto decided that IPTN was closed and so was with other strategic industries. This was done when the storm of monetary crisis hit Indonesia between 1996-1998. another IPTN closure when it was Indonesia received financial assistance from the IMF (International Monetary Fund) where one of the conditions is to stop the project making the N250 aircraft which is the pride of Habibie. All the experts working in IPTN and other strategic industries are forced to spread and work abroad, most of them scattered in various countries, especially aircraft factories in Brazil, Canada, America and Europe.
.... I said to the President, my love money 500 million dollars and N250 will be the greatest plane that beat ATR, Bombardier, Dornier, Embraer etc. and we do not need to depend on any country. But the decision has been taken and the 16 thousand IPTN employees have to earn a fortune in the land of people and crazy again we are buying aircraft from their country! - B.J Habibie
Habibie Becomes President of the Republic of Indonesia
After the closing of IPTN, Habibie, then Minister of Research and Technology (Menristek), was appointed Vice President of Indonesia on 14 March 1998 to accompany Suharto in the VII Development Cabinet. He served as vice president only a few months until 2 May 1998.
The great political turmoil and reforms demanded by Indonesians peaked in May 1998. The resignation of President Soeharto on 21 May 1998 with the announcement of his resignation made B.J Habibie subsequently officially succeeded him as President of the Republic of Indonesia. He was sworn by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to become President of Indonesia replacing Suharto became President of the Republic of Indonesia to 3.
Soeharto surrendered the presidency to Habibie under Article 8 of the 1945 Constitution. BJ Habibie served as the third Indonesian President for more than one year from 21 May 1998 to 20 October 1999. At that time, BJ Habibie inherited a condition in which Indonesia was in turmoil after the fall of Soeharto where many riots and the number of areas that declared want to escape from Indonesia. In his administration as President, Habibie made many important decisions. One of them is the birth of the Regional Autonomy Law. He also freed the people in the aspirations that made many new political parties emerging. Habibie also managed to suppress the value of the rupiah against the dollar to below 10 thousand when the value was once reached 15 thousand per dollar, he also liquidated some troubled banks. Until finally President Habibie was forced to step down from the post of Indonesian president after the 1999 general assembly of the Assembly, his Responsibility speech as president was rejected by the MPR. In addition, one of the causes of the resignation of Habibie is the escape of the East Timor province which chose independence and formed a new state.
After putting down his post as President and replaced by K.H Abdurrahman Wahid (Gusdur) as President, B.J Habibie was again a regular citizen, he returned to live in Germany even though he used to return to Indonesia. Longtime was not heard from, then on May 22, 2010, BJ Habibie's wife Hasri Ainun Habibie died at the Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Hospital, Klinikum, Muenchen, Germany due to ovarian cancer. Ainun Habibie died on Saturday at 17.30 pm Germany time or 22:30 Jakarta time.
The certainty of Hasri Ainun's death from the certainty of Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, a former member of the House of Representatives appointed BJ Habibie's family representative. This became a profound sadness for former President Habibie and the Indonesian People who felt lost. For Habibie, Ainun is everything. Ainun is the eye to see his life. For Ainun, Habibie is everything, a fill of love in his life. But every story has its end, every dream has its limit. For 48 years I have never been separated with Ainun, my wife's wife Ainun. He follows me wherever I go with affection and patience. Dad, you guys might have been used to living separately with wives, you went office and wife at home, but not with me. I just found out that Ainun's mother had cancer only 3 days before, there were never any signs and no complaints from her mother - BJ Habibie.
FULL BIODATA B.J HABIBIEName: Prof. DR (HC). Ing. Dr. Sc. Mult. Bacharuddin Jusuf HabibieBorn: June 25, 1936, Parepare, South SulawesiIslamParents: Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie (Father), RA. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo (Mother).Siblings :Junus Effendi HabibieAlwini Karsum HabibieSatoto Mohammad Duhri HabibieSri Sulaksmi HabibieSri Rahayu Fatima HabibieSri Rejeki HabibieAli BuntarmanSuyatim Abdurrahman HabibieWife: Hasri Ainun Besari HabibieChild: Ilham Akbar, Thareq KemalEducational background :SD Pare-PareSMP 5 BandungGouvernments Middlebare School (SMAK Dago Bandung)Bandung Institute of TechnologyRheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule AachenEmployment history :Engineer Waggonfabrik Talbot, Aachen, GermanyVice President of Technology at Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB) Hamburg, GermanyPresident Director of PT. Aircraft Industry Nusantara / IPTN.Minister of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia.Chairman of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology / BPPTPresident Director of PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero).Chairman of Batam Island Industrial Development Authority / Opdip Batam.Chairman of the Defense Security Industry Development TeamPresident Director, PT Pindad (Persero).Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Strategic Industry.Chairman of the Strategic Industry Management Agency / BPIS.Chairman of the Association of Muslim Intellectuals in Indonesia / lCMI.Coordinator of the Daily Presidium, Board of Trustees of Golkar.Vice President of the Republic of IndonesiaPresident of the Republic of Indonesia.