Story of Laskar Pelangi tells the true story of ten children living in a village called Gantung village located in Gantung District, East Belitung. They went to an elementary school named Muhammadiyah elementary school, whose building almost collapsed. The school was almost by the Department of Education of South Sumatera Regency, because the students who attend the elementary school of Muhammadiyah are not numbered 10 children as a minimum requirement. When it was only 9 children who attended the opening ceremony. The nine children are Ikal, Latitude, Mahar, Sahara, A Kiong, Syahdan, Kucai, Borek, and Trapani. However, just when Mr. Harfan Efendy Noor (Principal of SD Muhammadiyah) was about to make a speech to close the Muhammadiyah elementary school. There was a mother and her son named Aaron came to register Aaron to the Muhammadiyah elementary school. If there is no Aaron, a 15-year-old child with mental retardation who is sent to school by his mother not only to chase chicks at home, this story never happens. Finally SD Muhammadiyah is not so closed and Aaron is the one who saved the Muhammadiyah elementary school.
From there begins the story of them. Starting from the placement of seats, meeting them with Mr. Harfan Efendy Noor (Principal of SD Muhammadiyah), their extraordinary introduction to A Kiong who even grinned when asked by their teacher, Bu Muslimah, a stupid thing done by Borek, the election of the class president who was strongly protested by Kucai, the incident of the extraordinary talent discovered Mahar, the experience of first love ikal, to the stakes of life of a child named Latitude, he is one of the children of very poor fishermen, every day Lintang pedal bike as far as 40 km the distance from his house to the school, the house is located in the village of Lintang kelumpang village is located very far at the seaside, every day Lintang passing through the four areas of nipah tree which is quite scary place, not infrequently there is a very large crocodile through the area, even so Latitude remains diligent and eager to go to school and never skip school and met with Mrs. Muslimah, a loving teacher but full of commitment to educate his students and there will never be Laskar Pelangi a name given by Mrs. Muslimah because of their pleasure to rainbow which in the rainy season always do ritual to see rainbow in the afternoon with perched on the branches of the filicium tree in front of their class. When difficult or happy they pass in a class that according to the story at night the class as a cage for livestock. In SD Muhammadiyah that Ikal and his friends have a myriad of interesting memories.
Like when the love story between Ikal and A Ling. At first Ikal was ordered by Bu Muslimah to buy lime in A Ling's family-owned shop. Ikal falls in love with A Ling's beautiful nails. He never encountered such beautiful nails. Then he knows that the owner of the beautiful nails is A Ling, Ikal fell in love with A Ling. However, their encounter had to end because A Ling moved in to accompany her own aunt. The incident about Mahar finally found the idea for a carnival-like race. Mahar found an idea to dance in the event. They the Laskar Pelangi dance like a man of lethargy, it is because the necklace they wear from the fruit step and only in Belitung, is a plant that makes the whole body itch. Finally they were dancing like a man who was in a trance. However, thanks to all that ultimately SD Muhammadiyah can win the race. But on one occasion came a child named Flo, a rich child moved from the Tin PN School, he entered in the life of Laskar Pelangi. Since the arrival of Flo in SD Muhammadiyah bring negative and negative effects for his friends, especially Mahar, who sat a bench with Flo. Since the arrival of Flo, Mahar value is often ugly so Bu Muslimah angry and disappointed to Mahar.
Their days are always adorned with jokes and laughter and cries. But behind all their cheerfulness, there is a disciple named Lintang who is a member of Laskar Pelangi whose struggle for education needs to be thumbs up. He is willing to travel a distance of 80 km back and forth from his home to go to school just to be able to learn. He never complained although on the way to school, he must pass the lake contained crocodiles in it. Lintang is one of the most intelligent students. Proven during Latitude, Ikal, and Sahara while following a meticulous race. Ikal can challenge and defeat Drs. Zulfikar, a teacher from a well-qualified PN Tin rich school and famous for the answer that made him win the meticulous race.
However, all the wonderful stories of Laskar Pelangi must end with a very intelligent and genius latent split. Latitude and friends prove that not because of the supporting facilities that can ultimately make a person successful or smart, but the willingness and hard work that can grant every dream of someone. A few days later, after the race Lintang did not attend school and eventually friends - friends Lintang and also Mrs. Muslimah get a letter from Lintang that contains that Latitude can not continue her school because her father Latitude died. Of course it becomes a deep sadness for Laskar Pelangi members. A few years later, as they grew up, they all gained valuable experience from every story in the Muhammadiyah elementary school. About a friendship, sincerity, shown and taught by Bu Muslimah, and a dream that they must realize. Ikal finally got a scholarship and went to school in Paris, while Mahar and other friends become someone who can boast Belitung.
requirement : kebutuhan
register : mendaftar
the experience of first love ikal : pengalaman cinta pertama ikal
carnival-like race : ras karnaval
challenge and defeat : menantang dan melawan
supporting facilities : fasilitas pendudkung