When Prophet Ismail reached his teenage age the Prophet Abraham a. got the dream that he had to slaughter his son Ismail. And the dream of a prophet is one of the ways of the revelation of God, then the commandment he receives in the dream must be performed by Prophet Ibrahim. He sat dreamy for a moment thinking the most difficult test he faced. As a father who was pursued by a son who for decades hoped and coveted, a son who has attained the age at which his services can be exploited by the father, a son who is expected to be his heir and the survival of his descendants, suddenly must made qurban and must be taken away by the hand of the father himself. But he as a Prophet, the messenger of God and the bearer of religion who should be an example and example for his followers in obedience to God, keep all his commandments and put his love for God above his love for children, wives, possessions and others. He must carry out the revealed command of God through his dream, whatever will happen as a result of the execution of that commandment. It was a very severe test faced by Abraham, but in accordance with the word of God which means: "Allah knows better where and to whom He commands his message." Prophet Ibrahim did not waste anymore, berazam {intention} will still slay Prophet Ismail his son as qurban according to the command of Allah who has received. And the Prophet Abraham immediately went to Makkah to meet and convey to his son what God commanded.
Prophet Ishmael as a solemn child who was obedient to God and devoted to his parents, when told by his father the intent of his coming this time without hesitation and thinking long said to his father: "O my father! Do what Allah has commanded you. will find me insya-Allah as a patient and obedient to the command, I just ask in the execution of the command of Allah, so that father tied me so hard that I do not move so much trouble father, second to strip off my clothes so as not exposed to blood that will cause reduced my pahah and my mother's throne when she saw it, the three sharpen your machete and speed up the slaughtering practice to relieve my pain and pain, the fourth and the last one let my greetings to my mother give her my clothes to be her comforter in her sadness and the sign of the eyes and the memories of her from the only son "Then he embraced Ishmael and kissed his cheek by Prophet Ibrahim and said:" I have a son who is obedient to God, devoted to a parent who sincerely surrenders himself to carry out God's commands. "
The moment of horrible slaughter has arrived. Tied to Ismail's hands and feet, he laid him on the floor, then picked up a sharp machete that was already available and, holding a machete in his hand, the eyes of the flooded prophet Ibrahim moved from his son's face to a shiny machete in his hand, as if on that time his heart became the battleground between the feelings of a father on the one hand and the obligation of an apostle on the other. In the end by closing his eyes, a machete is placed on Ishmael's neck and slaughter is done. But what power, the machete is so sharp it turns out to be dulled dileher Prophet Ismail and can not function properly and as expected.
The incident is a miracle from Allah which asserts that Ismail's commandment order is only a test for Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail to what extent their love and obedience to God. It turned out that both had passed the very tough test. Prophet Ibrahim has shown sincere loyalty to his son's sacrifice. to worship God's commands while the Prophet Ismail is not hesitant or doubtful in demonstrating his services to God and to his parents by giving up his body soul to be sacrificed, to the point that instantly felt that the machete did not cut his neck, he said to his father: O my father! You do not seem to cut my neck by looking at my face, cup me and do your duty without looking at my face. "But the machete is still powerless to remove a speck of blood from Ismail's flesh even though he has been implanted and tried to cut his throat from back.
In a state of confusion and grief, having failed in his attempt to slaughter his son, came to the prophet Abraham the revelation of Allah with his word: "O Abraham! You have successfully performed your dreams, so We will repay those who do wickedness." Then as a ransom for life Ishmael was saved, God commanded the Prophet Ibrahim to slaughter a goat that was available beside him and immediately cut the goat's throat by him with a machete that was dulled in his son Ismail's neck. And this is the origin of the sunnah berqurban performed by Muslims on every feast of Aidiladha in all corners of the world.